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Items filtered by date: December 2021

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president assigns prof.Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the dean of the faculty of education to urgently prepare the teachers of the new English language programs of physics, chemistry, biology, math to achieve the strategic plan of the state in meeting the demands of the international and private schools which are in need of highly-skilled teachers. 

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The community service council of Benha University discusses, in its meeting under the presidency of the prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development and in the presence of the faculties' deputies of environment affairs, the report of the faculties of agriculture and veterinary medicine that is about the rabbits feeds and the economic nutrition of young breeders and production of the quail in the Egyptian village to increase the production of the meat and eggs. Prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development asserts that small and medium enterprises are important in building the national economy and providing the youth with job opportunities. The vice president adds that the council discusses the preparations of holding a workshop entitled “the industrial problems that face the industrial cities in El-Qulubia” under the auspices of Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady. 

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Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president says that university hospital hosts form 1000 to 1200 patients every day, so the hospital is the biggest window toward the surrounding community. The university president asserts that the university hospital should take care of the patients and the surrounding community. This statement concurs with the meeting of the strategic planning unit at the university in the presence of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd-El-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit, the faculties' deans and the strategic planning team in the university. 

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During its meeting on 25/06/2012 under the presidency of Prof. Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the President of Benha University; The Council of the University congratulated Dr. Mohamed Morsi, on His Election as President of Egypt. The Council wished President Morsi success in his endeavor as he represents the aspirations of all Egyptians for greater democracy, security, rule of law, and long‐term stability in the country, as well as for socio‐economic development. The Council also thanked the military council and the judicial system for their efforts in making the elections clean and fair. 

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Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president asserts that the old concepts of labor should be changed to turn the society from consummation to production. The university president stresses on labor creativity and the importance of youth talk as every manager should hold a monthly meeting with his employees to communicate with them. The university president adds that the university leaders are chosen according to efficiency. This statement concurs with the university president meeting with the secretaries of the faculties and the CEOS. At the end of the meeting, the university president honors the secretaries of the faculties, who retired on pension, for their exerted effort in the service of the university. 

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Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president invites the president/ Abd EL-Fattah El-Sisi, to sponsor the week of the youth talk which will be held in the university from 25-2-2017 to 28-2-2017. The event will be held in the presence of the presidents and professors of the Egyptian universities and more than 1000 students who are representing 24 universities. The youth will be held under the auspices of prof.Dr. Ashraf El-Shihy, the minister of the higher education and scientific research. The university president announces that prof.Dr. Gamal Shiha, the head of the education board and the education board representatives were invited in addition to inviting the education boards of the presidency, the parties and the civil society representatives and education experts to participate the activities of the youth talk about the educational process and scientific research. 

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Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president host in his office Mahmoud Muhammad Nagib, the student in the third grade at the faculty of law. The student is the son of “El-Harm” Ambush Martyr police officer/ Muhammad Nagib EL-Harthy and the university president asserts that the police and the armed forces sacrifice their souls in order to enjoy safety and stability. As per the bulletin of the university council, the student will be exempted from the fees in addition to providing him with the books for free.
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    Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the Faculty dean has invited Prof.Dr.El Sayed Yusuf El Qady, the University president, Prof.Dr.Gamal Ismael, Vice president for Community Service and Prof.Dr.Hesham Abu El Enain, Vice president for Postgraduate Studies to open the activities hall at the Faculty.

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       Faculty of Education hosts the ideal student contest on the level of the University, the contest will be held on Tuesday, 29\11\2016 under auspices of Prof.Dr.El Sayed El Kady , the University president , , Prof.Dr.Gamal Ismael, Vice president for Community Service and Prof.Dr.Hesham Abu El Enain, Vice president for Postgraduate Studies.                                                                                                      

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    Prof.Dr.Ibrahim Fouda, the Faculty dean has invited Prof.Dr.El Sayed Yusuf El Qady, the University president, Prof.Dr.Gamal Ismael, Vice president for Community Service and Prof.Dr.Hesham Abu El Enain, Vice president for Postgraduate Studies to open the E-Library at the Faculty.

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